Choy Wai Shuen Peter Saint Francis Signature Wall 蔡惠鏇聖方濟各標誌牆
Discover the “Choy Wai Shuen Peter Saint Francis Signature Wall”@CBCC
You may find it interesting with the wall of graphics recently built at the exterior wall of Caritas Bianchi College of Careers (CBCC) building on Level One facing the cark park, and puzzle over the meanings of those layers of leaves and round circles in a spectrum of colour?
An answer to your curiosity, these graphics symbolically represent young leaves planted in the fertile soil. With good care and irrigation, the young leaves will grow into strong trees over the years. It echoes with the Chinese proverb saying, “It takes a decade to grow trees but a century to nurture people”.
Named as Choy Wai Shuen Peter Saint Francis Signature Wall, the symbolic graphics tell the work of CBCC and Caritas Institute of Higher Education (CIHE) in providing higher education for almost five decades. Our mission is to nurture students who are not only academically and professionally well-equipped but also ready to serve the community with the Caritas spirit “Love in the Service of Hope”. The Institutions’ motto is Ad Destinatum Prosequor which means unceasing self-development, striving to achieve the goals set ahead.
In gist, Choy Wai Shuen Peter Saint Francis Signature Wall adopts graphic art as an aesthetic appeal for delivering the messages of Catholic beliefs, positive life values, quality whole-person higher education, and to recognize the gracious support of the Institute’s donors.
明愛白英奇專業學校地下大堂外最近添加了一道特色牆,牆上有大小不同的葉子,葉子下有許多深紅和淺紅色的小圓形。這些圖案拼合在一起是想表達甚麼主題呢?現在就馬上給你答案:這些圖案是象徵樹苗栽種在肥沃的土壤中,經過悉心的栽培和灌溉,樹苗日漸茁壯成長,假以時日蔚然成林,正如古人謂「十年樹木, 百年樹人」。